Welcome back to week two of Helter Sketcher. A midweek check in on my personal sketchbook journey.

Here we are warts and all. The last week has been fits and starts with a few nice pieces, and lot of rough landings. Also a few crash and burns, but we take it all in stride.
The big thing is I’ve shown up to the page every day. Even a little progress is progress. Last Wednesday the image above showed up during our weekly Drink & Draw( via Discord).
This same time each week my Art friends and I video chat and work on our Art. The most important thing we do is keep each other going. It' works.
Last week I was itching to doodle and put some miles on my Sailor 1911. Having recently refreshed it with Platinum Carbon, it was drawing like butter. I flipped through a watercolor book that I keep full of abstract experiments, and colored backgrounds. I chose one that I suspected was hiding monsters. Diving in with the fountain pen, it wasn’t long, and sure enough – a wild beholder appeared! I did some line work and defined the beholder, alternating with some watercolor he was finished. Then I went in and firmed up the trees a bit. This watercolor book has several pages that I play on, and keep as stock backgrounds ready to used when inspiration strikes. Or sometimes it’s nice to flip through and see what catches the eye and discover what is lurking in there. Some examples:

Another page from my primary sketchbook.

Hands and feet are always good to practice in a pinch.What artist doesn’t have dozens of sketches of their Chuck Taylor shoes hiding in their sketchbooks? Might be time to do another.
It’s always fun to fill a page with brain storming – logo design. Donuts seem to show up a lot in these pages. Comment below if want to see a dedicated logo for “Helter Sketcher!”. I’ll work up a few more and maybe have you vote?
Thanks everyone for reading along on this journey.
Go crack that sketchbook!
– Sumrow & Rey
PS: How’s my driving? What would you like to see more of? Comment below!
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