Welcome back to week five of Helter Sketcher!, a midweek check in on my personal sketchbook journey.
The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man is a favorite of mine, from the classic Universal Monsters movies. Claude Rains’ superb performance is over the top, maniacal, and keeps me going back for a rewatch every year.
Here we have more early attempts at gouache paints. In my head I have an image of the Invisible Man holding a beaker of his sparkling formula. I researched and combined elements from a few movie shots.
The image in my head, that needed to get out, was not actually a moment in the movie. The Invisible man holding a fizzy beaker, while looking at the camer is not in the movie, and certainly not in full color. Doing research I assembled the right references: the color movie poster is what the basis for the final color palette .The pose is from a latter sequence in his hotel room, while the goggles were chosen from an earlier scene when The Invisible Man first arrives. The cannon sunglasses were scrapped in favor of goggles. It was a personal preference, I just love the round goggles as a design element. I used my own hand as a model to get the right angle/reference for holding the beaker.
It’s the stranger with the goggles! He’s gone MAD!! – The Invisible Man, 1932 (Trailor)
Now, go crack that sketchbook – You got this! – Sumrow & Rey
PS: I’m the Invisible man…
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