Up from the depths – Ye olde Sketchbook gouache experiment!
Another experiment from the dark depths…
This week we have the final page from my experimental sketchbook. I had started a blue bug of some kind and, due to poor planning, ran out of space on the page. It was just not working. So rahter than beat a dead horse, I painted over the page in opaque yellow ochre gouache. This gave me a nice warm base to work on. This sat for awhile til I decided what I wanted to play with.
The idea of a “deep one” from the Cthulhu Mythos has been on my frontal lobe lately. The idea that a nice slippery fish man would be fun to paint. Originally I had intended on something creepy and fitting for a horror movie. Somehow I ended up with good ol’ Mr. Gillman. He wants you to compliment his hat. It’s a new stretch for him fashion wise. But I think it’s dapper. Was quiet please with how few bold strokes I used to render it. Maybe a dozen at most.
My focus: Big Brushes
I have been very conscious lately on using the biggest brushes for each passage of these little paintings. The idea being simple, bold, and as few as possible, as the mantra for my brushstrokes. This has a lot to do with efficiency as we paint, but more importantly for “the look” of a piece. There is a pleasantness and universal attraction to big, bold, confident strokes in a piece.
I got this insight from a James Gurney video where he talks about which brushes to use. His BLAST rule of painting:
Big brushes.
Large to small.
Accents last.
Soften edges.
Take your time.
What do you think Mr. Gillman?
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." - Mr. Gillman
Thanks for reading Helter Sketcher!
Each week I’m pointing a different page/monster. I have a half dozen in the que already, and actively using substack as a way to keep me motivated and my nose in the sketchbooks.
NOW… go crack that sketchbook! – You got this! – Sumrow & Rey
PS: Please comment on your favorite artists posts. Those are pure fuel for them.
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Love the colors of Mr. Gillman. Will he walk among humans?
MrGillman's choice of hat is sartorial perfection!