Welcome back to Helter Sketcher, #008, a midweek check in on my Art journey.
This week we have a design + color study of a blue dragon that’s been showing up in my work.
The study above was done in pencil and watercolor at the same time as the larger Dragon Rider piece below. It was mostly used to play with colors and details, to try to flush out the look of the dragons face before I tackled the larger work. I liked the study so much I kept it on the desk as other pieces were done. I knew that the study was decent by itself and one day I might return to it and give it something more to finish it off. I finally chose a sepia ink by Platinum, in a fountain pen to tighten it up and reinforce the lines. Then I called it done - again.
For context, here we have the larger piece that the small study supported. I have this Dragon rider character named Autum that keeps appearing in my work. She is often seen riding dragons…
These Dragon Rider pieces were all sketched at the same time. I could not pick which one to do as THE pose, so I ended up doing both. When in doubt as to what to draw, draw all the ideas! No need to choose.
As of late, both have now been sent out as monthly Patreon Art Cards to my supporters.
Now, go crack that sketchbook. Draw a post card and send to someone who needs a boost!! – You got this! – Sumrow & Rey
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So beautiful! Absolutely love the sketches. My daughter does a lot of this but she doesn't think she's good enough. Both my wife and I tell her she should sell her works but she won't. You're very good. Thanks for sharing