Welcome to Sumrow's newsletter
“I worked on a concept with Sumrow and he just f—ing brought it home." – Dave Wyndorf, lead vocalist & rhythm guitarist of hard rock band Monster Magnet
Hello everyone!
My name is John Sumrow & I am a painter of imaginative realism.
I’m a freelance artist in the Southwest desert of New Mexico focusing primarily on imaginative realism in fantasy, horror, & the science fiction genres. My vibrant, painterly works have graced the covers of rock band albums, tabletop role playing games, and horror novels.
I have worked on multiple product lines with Chaosium Inc. and their popular Call of Cthulhu tabletop role playing game. Did two albums for the space rock band Monster Magnet from Red Bank, New Jersey.
Recently I have achieved the childhood dream of getting to paint the covers of ANALOG Science Fiction & Fact magazine. As a young creator, I dreamed of being a contributor amongst the words of my favorite authors, Robert Heinlein, Harlan Ellison, Philip K. Dick and so many others.
Passionate about creativity, I spend a good chunk of my time spreading the gospel of living creatively in any and all endeavors - for everyone. - Go now! Crack that sketchbook!
Visit my portfolio!
See you in your inboxes! – Sumrow